It’s 05:14. I’m sitting in my recliner slowly adjusting to being awake. My mind is slightly hazy. I have a strong coffee this morning. Coffee acts as a marker to guide me back into the waking world. Timmy and Rosa are awake and actually being civil to each other, for now. I sense Timmy is reaching his tolerance level though. Rosa is a kitten still learning boundaries.

I’m not ready to start thinking about the day ahead. I know I have a dentist appoint at 0:930. It’s only a follow appointment. That’s as far into my day as I want to go. It’s too easy to get sucked into my to do list if I go any further. No. Now is my time for internal reflection and reading.

Rosa has just crossed the boundary. She did that cat thing where they get close to the ground and wiggle their butt in anticipation of the pounce. And there she goes. Rosa and Timmy bat at each other like two boxers. I call it off and the two separate and go to their respective corners.

I watched Creed this weekend. I wanted to get reacquainted with the franchise before I watch Creed III, a film that for the first time in the Rocky franchise Sylvester Stalone will not be in.

OK. I really must get on with my reading. I started a Joan Didion book yesterday called Slouching Towards Bethlehem. It’s a collection of her essays. I’m in the mood to write essays again and am using her for inspiration.

Clay Lowe @clowe