I’m sitting in the lobby of the Southam Dental Care clinic. I have a 9:35 appointment. It seems they make these appointments for the time you have to be here, not the time you’ll see the dentist. It’s 9:45 now. I exchange the usual chit chat with the receptionist to pass the time. We talk about the weather. I mention how cold it is outside for this time of year. We both wish for Spring to bring on the warmer weather. I’m here for a routine checkup to make sure the crown that was put in the tail end of last year has settled. One of my favourite songs is playing on the radio. Sleeping Satellite by Tasmin Archer. And now Blonde - The Tide is High. Good tunes make a difference. The lady who just walked into reception must be wearing something my throat doesn’t like. It’s irritated and I’m coughing. 9:55 the dental tech calls my name. Six minutes later and £23 lighter, I walk back out the door and into the cold.

Clay Lowe